This is a big work-in-progress. It has to be just right.
Important is to note that the blue electricity from previous seasons will now actually be Bitcoin-orange (the lightning literally Lightning Network) instead of Pelenia blue.
The script itself is being held under wraps, available only for writers, producers, or potential investors (purchasers of Ordinals).
"You're never a prophet in your hometown."
Our hero is Josh Hodly, who after learning the ways of Muïrlock the Blue before his livestreamed crucifixion by Big Tube, escapes Big Tube City with a green hodly. After participating in a hodlyOS uninstallation ceremony and experiencing the pure being of a decentralized protocol for value distribution in the universe (and, unbeknownst to him, unleashing the Hodly Heroes of Yestermorrow into his timeline), Josh Hodly stays to study and train with the green hodlies.
Josh Hodly returns to Big Tube City a changed Hodly. His old friends are more down-trodden than ever and most don’t even realize he was gone. Most the followers of Muïrlock the Blue have gone into hiding or are now too discouraged to continue the battle.
But hints of Muïrlock live on. Josh is able to start utilizing the Bitcoin timechain for ____ and ____ and Big Tube has no clue it’s even a threat. By zapping others with Bitcoin lighting, he is able to start rallying the troops and converting more people to the mission.
Meanwhile, thanks to a purple-ish Bitcoin-powered ostrich (Nostr), business is beginning to develop between the green hodlies in the forest and the purple hodlies in the city. The purple hodlies are taking retreats in the forest to participate in the uninstallation ceremony, and paying with Bitcoin. Wealth that was once confined to the Big Tube economy is now starting to trickle into the forests.
One day, the wall finally breaks. Thanks to these new business relations, purple hodlies have begun setting up shops/services/______ in Big Tube City primarily meant for a green hodly demographic. Green hodlies are even starting to move into Big Tube City (except they don’t like and decide to go home).
Meanwhile, Big Tube is starting to see what has happened but it is too late to do anything. Without so much money to eat, Big Tube can’t continue enslaving the hodlies—or anything. Soon it is unable to control any of them and they are all free— no violence.