Interactions and collaborations with other users are allowed and add to the fun of the PELE Network. One of the services offered by the PELE Portal is the ability to send $PELE to another user. Using ‘FIND’ tab, users may find and collaborate with different groups and users.

Here's how to send $PELE to another user step by step:

  1. To be able to send $PELE tokens to another user, go to the ‘FIND’ tab and search for the user that you will send the $PELE tokens. After searching for the user, click the ‘SEND BID’ for you to be able to go for the details of sending $PELE tokens.

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  1. After clicking the 'SEND BID' button, there is a pop-up message for the details of sending $PELE tokens.


  1. Enjoy communicating and collaborating with different users and groups and enjoy sending $PELE tokens for another user!